Saturday 22 September 2012



        SAM  WALTON    

Sam Walton was a man who took chances, never said never, and kept on fighting the odds. He was like no other man in this world. All through his life he has fought an uphill battle and in the end he won. Sam Walton was a leader not a follower. He grew up during the depression and knew that hard work and thrift were a way of life. Sam was described as to be industrious, always trying to get the most out of money, and had a burning ambition to succeed. This is all apparent by: how he helped his family through the depression started his own business from almost n As Sam grew up and anyone could see how determined he was to succeed and as time passed he went from being a poor town boy to the richest man in the field of management.

Walton began what would be a lifelong career in the retail business in, when he took a job as a sales trainee at a J.C. Penney store in Des Moines, Iowa. He was good his job, although he was never one of Penney's most thorough employees. Through hard work and a policy of pricing products well below what other retailers charged, Walton soon tripled his business, and by 1950, he owned the leading Ben Franklin store in a six-state region. The store's success wasn't lost on Walton's landlord, who decided to acquire the business for his son. Sam had no intention of selling, so the landlord simply refused to renew his lease.

To keep his stores running in tip top shape, Walton was always trying to find new ideas to improve business. His management style was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today

The experience would have caused most people to give up. But not Sam Walton. He searched the rural towns of Arkansas for a new place to do business, and found it in the tiny community of Bentonville. There he set up shop in a store on the town square. We learn that though you face problems, but it does not mean you should give up and that’s what most of the entrepreneurs like Sam Walton did. And as we can see he started from working for other people to stating his own business.

To keep his stores running in tip top shape, Walton was always trying to find new ideas to improve business. His management style was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today


  1. i really like ur blog, MashAllah ... really good information, that made me to motivate.....
