Thursday 27 September 2012


                     HENRY FORD

Like most entrepreneurs, success and fame were not just given to him it had to be earned. Henry Ford’s Quadricycle had given him enough notoriety to attracted investors, but he not instantly successful. In 1899 he convinces some investors to create a company with him called Detroit Auto Co., but it fails soon after its creation. He loses all his money and his job. He is forced at the age of 37 to move back in to his parents’ house because he is so poor, but he does not give up. He do not give up and eventually builds a car that wins a local race and attracts investor to start another company called Henry Ford Company.

Henry Ford believed that the best way to succeed in business was to create cheaper products that could be afforded by the masses. His partners thought he was crazy and he eventually had to leave the company. In 1903 he forms Ford Motor Company. He was the Vice-President and Chief Engineer. He was only able to produce a few cars day which made them extremely expensive. He wanted to create cars cheaper and faster. He looked at other industries that had learned how to make products cheaper and found four key principles that would allow him to produce cars cheaper.

These four things were interchangeable parts, continuous flow, division of labour, and reducing wasted effort. It took him several years to perfect it, but in 1908 Henry Ford produced the Model T. This car revolutionised what a automobile was and who it was for. It was extremely easy to use, fix, and could drive on rough roads.

His entrepreneurial story is really motivating because moving back to living with his parent did not stop him doing what he really liked. Even though he did not succeed the first time he continued and believed in himself

1 comment:

  1. Everyone knows that Henry Ford is a genius, he truly earned his success and fame. This story teaches me to never give up. Henry Ford is a heritage...
