Friday 21 September 2012


                                                                                        HOWARD SCHULTZ   


Most of the entrepreneurs start their business from scratch but Howard Schultz joined a business that was already there. He is the mastermind behind Starbucks' astonishing growth. By bringing Italy's "coffeehouse culture" to the United States and packaging it for mass consumption, this maverick marketer transformed a little-known four-store chain in the leading retailer of speciality coffee in North America. He researched a lot about the business and even flew out to show how much he was interested in it.

Impressed by Schultz's energy and marketing skills, Starbucks owners Gerald Baldwin and Gordon Bowker-who possessed very little business knowledge-asked Schultz to become part of their operation. Enticed by their offer, which included part ownership, Schultz joined Starbucks as head of its marketing and retail operations. He continued to open more starbucks’ coffee shops in different regions.

“Howard Schultz credits Starbucks Corp.'s benefits policy as one of the keys to his company's dramatic growth. By extending health benefits to all employees, Schultz has created a more dedicated work force and promoted an extremely high level of customer service. He has also achieved a turnover rate that is less than half the average of other fast-food businesses, saving the company countless thousands in training costs and enhancing its ability to attract and retain good employees.”

To make his business big he believed in reaching the customers best interest in order to boost his sales. This shows that even though you don’t start your own business it does not mean you will not have the success you want.