Sunday 23 September 2012




There are many inspiring stories about young entrepreneurs, who started a successful business and made some millions. Clonel sanders was one of them he did not have an easy like while he was growing up. He learned the hardship of life when he was young unlike most children he was not handed everything he learned to struggle, he started to work at the age of 12 as a farmer and he got other jobs on the way until the age of 16.

He began offering chicken meals to his customers to increase their satisfaction. He was serving at his own dining the food was testy and people would visit him just to eat the food. Since the demand for the food was increasing he later decided to open a restaurant. He came up with 11 secret spices and the technique for preparing the food, which is used today. At the age of 60 he built his trade mark – his face with goatee and glasses. But like any other business he sales did got as expected and his business crushed. Despite that he did not give up and instead came up with a new idea of selling recopies to other fast food business not only that but he also drove across the country cooking chicken meals for business owners .”

“At the age of 74, 1964, The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation was sold for $2 000 000 dollars to a group of investors headed by John Brown Junior. Sanders kept the Canadian franchises for himself and continued the business there. Later he founded the Colonel Harland Sanders Trust and a charity organization with the same name and transferred the business assets there. His thrusts still continue to sponsor some great causes nowadays”

What I have learned is that even though his business crushed he did not give up on it. He did not have an issue starting all over again. That says a lot about him as an entrepreneur. At his age he really was determined to make something for himself. That shows you can make anything happen for you as long as you have the motivation no matter your age.


  1. Sweetheart it is very good to my opinion, Every entrepreneur gives an inspiration and motivation to us, how everything is possible in this world, so he is one of them , ,,,, good job sweety

  2. Great story, I really liked the how he started his business. I feel like starting my own business after reading this Fahma.
