Thursday 27 September 2012


                     HENRY FORD

Like most entrepreneurs, success and fame were not just given to him it had to be earned. Henry Ford’s Quadricycle had given him enough notoriety to attracted investors, but he not instantly successful. In 1899 he convinces some investors to create a company with him called Detroit Auto Co., but it fails soon after its creation. He loses all his money and his job. He is forced at the age of 37 to move back in to his parents’ house because he is so poor, but he does not give up. He do not give up and eventually builds a car that wins a local race and attracts investor to start another company called Henry Ford Company.

Henry Ford believed that the best way to succeed in business was to create cheaper products that could be afforded by the masses. His partners thought he was crazy and he eventually had to leave the company. In 1903 he forms Ford Motor Company. He was the Vice-President and Chief Engineer. He was only able to produce a few cars day which made them extremely expensive. He wanted to create cars cheaper and faster. He looked at other industries that had learned how to make products cheaper and found four key principles that would allow him to produce cars cheaper.

These four things were interchangeable parts, continuous flow, division of labour, and reducing wasted effort. It took him several years to perfect it, but in 1908 Henry Ford produced the Model T. This car revolutionised what a automobile was and who it was for. It was extremely easy to use, fix, and could drive on rough roads.

His entrepreneurial story is really motivating because moving back to living with his parent did not stop him doing what he really liked. Even though he did not succeed the first time he continued and believed in himself

Sunday 23 September 2012




There are many inspiring stories about young entrepreneurs, who started a successful business and made some millions. Clonel sanders was one of them he did not have an easy like while he was growing up. He learned the hardship of life when he was young unlike most children he was not handed everything he learned to struggle, he started to work at the age of 12 as a farmer and he got other jobs on the way until the age of 16.

He began offering chicken meals to his customers to increase their satisfaction. He was serving at his own dining the food was testy and people would visit him just to eat the food. Since the demand for the food was increasing he later decided to open a restaurant. He came up with 11 secret spices and the technique for preparing the food, which is used today. At the age of 60 he built his trade mark – his face with goatee and glasses. But like any other business he sales did got as expected and his business crushed. Despite that he did not give up and instead came up with a new idea of selling recopies to other fast food business not only that but he also drove across the country cooking chicken meals for business owners .”

“At the age of 74, 1964, The Kentucky Fried Chicken Corporation was sold for $2 000 000 dollars to a group of investors headed by John Brown Junior. Sanders kept the Canadian franchises for himself and continued the business there. Later he founded the Colonel Harland Sanders Trust and a charity organization with the same name and transferred the business assets there. His thrusts still continue to sponsor some great causes nowadays”

What I have learned is that even though his business crushed he did not give up on it. He did not have an issue starting all over again. That says a lot about him as an entrepreneur. At his age he really was determined to make something for himself. That shows you can make anything happen for you as long as you have the motivation no matter your age.


James Dyson is self made billionaire. When you think of a self made millionaire, you may think of someone who came up with extraordinary ideas or did great things. But he made his billion dollars by inventing Dyson vacuums. In a way this makes him more of a genius then others. He took a basic idea, added to it and boom, it spread like wildflowers and he was a huge success.

He had several inventions before he invented the Dyson vacuum. One was the seatruck and then the Balbarrow, where he used a ball to replace the wheel on a wheelbarrow.

He wanted to make a vacuum that would not lose its suction power. He was always frustrated with his own vacuum that constantly become clogged and lost suction. So started the Dyson vacuums. He got his first patent on the idea in 1986. But he still failed to sell his vacuum to major manufactures so he set up his own manufacturing company. He opened his own research company in 1993. The product now outsells all of the companies that turned him down. In 2005, Dyson was selling more vacuums in the United States then anyone.
He is involved in so much more than just vacuums; he also is responsible for coming up with the All-in-one kitchen appliance kit. This is designed to make a space saver kitchen, with stack-able appliances. He is also now working on a lightweight electric motor that would produce an enough electricity to power a car for hundreds of miles.

So just because he may not seem to be the usual self made millionaire, we now know that he is more then just some guy who invented a cyclone vacuum. He is a man who not only has a lot of great ideas but he also has the determination to bring these ideas alive and make them work. This is why he is worth over a billion dollars.


                                          GARY GOLDBERG

There are a lot more millionaires and billionaires in this world then you would ever think, hundreds upon hundreds of them. Even though it may hard for the average person to imagine that there are that many people who have more money than they will ever be able to spend. These people have earned their money in so many ways. Investments, companies that they have started and some are just lucky enough to inherit it. But there are those who just get a brainstorm about some kind idea that they may have, they run with the idea and the next thing they know, they are raking in the money. Gary Goldberg is one of these people. 

His idea came to him in the way of his young son. His little boy was repeatedly getting sick. After being taken to the hospital several times over a period of time, it was discovered that he had an allergy that had to do with dust mites. This put him on the road of studying to find out more about dust mites. He discovered that they are on all bedding and that a lot of people suffer from allergies because of them. So his idea was born for a company that would sell allergy barrier bedding products. He would not be the first company to come up with this idea, but all the other products that he checked out were not very comfortable or could they be washed. He found them to not be effective. After a lot of testing, he came up with a waterproof, breathable fabric. So in 2006 his company named Clean Brands was developed.

Their biggest customer is Jet Blue. They purchased pillow and blankets sets to use on their hundreds of flights a day. Another thing that he was able to do at Clean Brands was to create different products at different prices so that he is able to sell in places like Wal-Mart and other stores like that. The company was a huge success and he is now worth millions of dollars.

This entrepreneurial story shows that, you can get an idea from something that is around you. You can find success what you go through your life and add a touch of your own to make it unique.

Saturday 22 September 2012


                    JOYCE  HALL.

Most of the entrepreneurs we see today have some sort of degree but there are others who don’t have and probably dropped out of school to start doing what they are passionate about or to start the business. This is the story of Joyce Clyde Hall. Growing up in poverty, Hall began an initial venture selling perfume door-to-door when he was just nine years old in order to help support his family. When he was sixteen years old, he started clerking in his older brothers’ bookstore. He then pooled his savings together with his brothers to launch the Norfolk Post Card Company. They quickly discovered, however, that their market was a limited. Not only did he drop out of school but he left home to another city to sell his product from door to door.

Hall started to manufacture and sell his own line of postcards. He printed invoices and along with them, mailed samples of 100 postcards to dealers throughout the Midwest. As Hall expected, some of the dealers kept his postcards without ever paying. Others were angry at the unsolicited attempt and sent the cards back. But almost one-third of dealers who received Hall’s cards returned nothing but a check. He was confident enough in his venture to ask his brothers to join him in opening up their own specialty store.

Together, they founded the Norfolk Post Card Company, importing foreign postcards and selling them to local merchants. During the school year, Hall was the company's order filler and card sorter. During vacations he took to the streets, selling both the postcards.

This is a motivating story and we learn that in order to succeed you have to believe in yourself and take risks. This shows that you don’t need a degree to start your own business all it takes is courage and hard work to get what you want in life



        SAM  WALTON    

Sam Walton was a man who took chances, never said never, and kept on fighting the odds. He was like no other man in this world. All through his life he has fought an uphill battle and in the end he won. Sam Walton was a leader not a follower. He grew up during the depression and knew that hard work and thrift were a way of life. Sam was described as to be industrious, always trying to get the most out of money, and had a burning ambition to succeed. This is all apparent by: how he helped his family through the depression started his own business from almost n As Sam grew up and anyone could see how determined he was to succeed and as time passed he went from being a poor town boy to the richest man in the field of management.

Walton began what would be a lifelong career in the retail business in, when he took a job as a sales trainee at a J.C. Penney store in Des Moines, Iowa. He was good his job, although he was never one of Penney's most thorough employees. Through hard work and a policy of pricing products well below what other retailers charged, Walton soon tripled his business, and by 1950, he owned the leading Ben Franklin store in a six-state region. The store's success wasn't lost on Walton's landlord, who decided to acquire the business for his son. Sam had no intention of selling, so the landlord simply refused to renew his lease.

To keep his stores running in tip top shape, Walton was always trying to find new ideas to improve business. His management style was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today

The experience would have caused most people to give up. But not Sam Walton. He searched the rural towns of Arkansas for a new place to do business, and found it in the tiny community of Bentonville. There he set up shop in a store on the town square. We learn that though you face problems, but it does not mean you should give up and that’s what most of the entrepreneurs like Sam Walton did. And as we can see he started from working for other people to stating his own business.

To keep his stores running in tip top shape, Walton was always trying to find new ideas to improve business. His management style was popular with employees and he founded some of the basic concepts of management that are still in use today


           DARREN T KIMURA

There are many stories out there about how people made their millions. They made good investments. They invented something that really worked and sold millions. Or maybe they just had a good idea that worked really well. But the best stories of how people made their millions are those that went from rags to riches. Those that worked their tails off to get where they wanted to be. Darren T. Kimura is one of these people. He started with nothing and is now worth millions. But he is not done yet. He feels like he has still yet to reach his full potential.
When he went from high school to college, he had to work three jobs just to pay his way through. So he has never been one afraid of hard work. Those work ethics have got him where he is today. Before he could start his business, he had to some maturing. He got rid of his surfboard and his earrings and even tried to speak more professionally. He knew that in order to make it and be respected in the business world, he had to act and speak the part.

He started his first business out of the back seat of his car. He had to sell shoes to supplement his income. He had to finance his business completely with credit cards. Even though, today many people see he as a visionary, who has the ability to make his visions come true, years ago they seen him as crazy. Fourteen years ago, people were not into the environment as they are today, so it was harder to convince people that they needed his help then it is today. The business that he started fourteen years ago was Energy Industries. A company that is focused on efficiency and renewable energy solutions. They help commercial and industrial clients drastically reduce their energy consumption. The company has already made millions and is continuously growing and making more.

The company has grown from one employee to 90 dedicated employees. He has already expanded the business across the United States and into Asia and plans to push it even further across the globe. He believes that time is in the essence. That because it’s a global kind of business that they need to go as global as they possibly can. He has a business that is not going to go away. Energy conservation is here to stay. The very first job made over 50,000 dollars and now the business is just a little below the 50 million mark in yearly gross revenues. But that is not enough for him. He wants to see it hit the two hundred million mark. He will get there no doubt. With energy prices on the rise all the time, everyone is looking for a way to cut back. He wants to be the one to help them. He is no doubt a self-made millionaire, if he keeps going at this rate, he will most likely hit the billionaire mark before it is over.

Friday 21 September 2012


                                                                                        HOWARD SCHULTZ   


Most of the entrepreneurs start their business from scratch but Howard Schultz joined a business that was already there. He is the mastermind behind Starbucks' astonishing growth. By bringing Italy's "coffeehouse culture" to the United States and packaging it for mass consumption, this maverick marketer transformed a little-known four-store chain in the leading retailer of speciality coffee in North America. He researched a lot about the business and even flew out to show how much he was interested in it.

Impressed by Schultz's energy and marketing skills, Starbucks owners Gerald Baldwin and Gordon Bowker-who possessed very little business knowledge-asked Schultz to become part of their operation. Enticed by their offer, which included part ownership, Schultz joined Starbucks as head of its marketing and retail operations. He continued to open more starbucks’ coffee shops in different regions.

“Howard Schultz credits Starbucks Corp.'s benefits policy as one of the keys to his company's dramatic growth. By extending health benefits to all employees, Schultz has created a more dedicated work force and promoted an extremely high level of customer service. He has also achieved a turnover rate that is less than half the average of other fast-food businesses, saving the company countless thousands in training costs and enhancing its ability to attract and retain good employees.”

To make his business big he believed in reaching the customers best interest in order to boost his sales. This shows that even though you don’t start your own business it does not mean you will not have the success you want.



Vera wang was not the fashion designer that she is known know, a few years ago. She had a dream of becoming an Olympic figure skater but it did not work out for her. Before she started her own business venture she worked for vogue magazine she believed in learning from others in order to do her own thing.Before opening her store, Vera Wang spent many years in fashion. She worked as a senior fashion editor for Vogue for sixteen years, the opportunity proved a great learning experience for Wang, who used the job as her chance to learn the ins and outs of the industry and then she became design director of Ralph Lauren for two years. During this time she developed her own sense of style and gained sharp knowledge of the fashion industry, which then led her to start her own company, Vera Wang.

Just like any other entrepreneur She wanted to create something different to stand out and set out to create a unique brand, staying close to her beliefs and coming up with an inspired collection, which has found appeal to this day. The wedding gowns have been chosen by celebrities and one of her crowning moments has been to provide costumes for figure skaters taking part in the Olympic Games.

She did not stop there and went further; she came up with the launch of her perfume. Her business has grown and she also included making jewelry, and products for the home. She is an ambitious entrepreneur that started to work for someone to building her own empire. This shows that even though she gave up her dream of figure skating it did not stop her and instead found passion for fashion.

Tuesday 4 September 2012



Just like any other entrepreneur Richard Branson was ambitious. He was determined to make something for himself. He came from far business wise and also at an early age he was only sixteen when he started his first business venture of selling newspaper aimed at teenagers and student at school. But he did not stop there after three years he found his first virgins, the Virgin mail order record company - virgins because they were all virgins in business. Shortly after that they also opened a record shop on Oxford Street in London. They built a record studio in Oxford shire that proved to be the pivotal start needed for Virgin records.

Even though he had his business going he liked to achieve as much as he could and he joined the airspace not only did he enter something different from his usual work he also challenged himself by saying he would do it in three months and succeeded. Virgin Atlantic is now the second biggest international hauler from Heath-row and Gatwick. He is know one of the riches entrepreneurs..”He was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Technology from Loughborough University.” In 1987 his Virgin Atlantic Flyer hot air balloon was the first hot air balloon to cross the Atlantic. Though he has failed numerous times in his attempt to circumnavigate the world in a hot air balloon non-stop, he won’t quit trying. Recently, he also licensed the technology behind Spaceship-one - the first privately funded craft to reach space and win the Ansari X prize - to form Virgin Galactic to take passengers to sub orbital space from 2010”